Friday, April 1, 2016

What Shakespeare would say if he got his revenge

What a lovely day

I hath thee in a tree

rough winds do shake thee

in the same position as the darling buds of May

I see thee in the tree wearing your now bloody necklace

on a lovely summer's day and all I can say is...


Friday, January 8, 2016

Be careful who you trust

There is a town. Unlike any other town this town is known for hunting chickens. If they ever see a chicken they kill it and eat it. This town is also known for welcoming strangers. This town fed the strangers and helped them in every way they could. They would take them in no questions asked. Also this town had never tasted anything except chicken.
                A stranger is in town a stranger is in town a little boy cried.
Then all the people come out and greet him and be nice to him and bring him chicken and food, but this stranger looked familiar like they have seen him before. These people welcome him with friendly greeting and treat him as if he lived here his whole life. This guy brought in a different kind of food, a weird thing called bacon. One of the people from the town’s people tried it. It was delicious.

So this guy was worshiped and given anything he wanted and he threw bacon to the town’s people and they loved it. He was forever known as the man with bacon. Then the sheriff went into his house and found a stuffed chicken and a picture of the stranger and a pet chicken. He also found bloody axes and chainsaws. He went to warn the town about this guy because he was a murderer.

The town didn’t believe him. And even if they knew this stranger was a murderer they wouldn’t care. They only cared about bacon. The stranger enters a room and tells three people that there is a mountain of bacon and then he takes them to a cliff. The town is wondering where the bacon is. The stranger is mad at the town because they killed his pet chicken and made chicken nuggets out of it. So he pushed them off the cliff and tomorrow he did the same thing. The sheriff finally catches the guy and arrests him. Everything goes back to normal, but now the town has learned a lesson, to be careful who they trust. my blogs they are amazing just because they come from me.